1. Discuss with your spouse the desire to try mediation over litigation.

2. Once you have agreed on exploring mediation, then contact our office by phone or email to schedule a free consultation.

3. The  date and time will be scheduled for the mediation to occur. It is customary to allow for a full day. The location of the mediation will be determined in an area convenient to the couple and our mediator.

4. The divorcing couple will meet with the mediator together to begin the process. If the situation remains amicable, the three parties can meet together. Once the procedure is under way, it is typical for the couple to meet separately with the mediator to negotiate the details of the settlement. This separate meeting is referred to as "caucus."

5. Once a mediation agreement is written and signed, an attorney is contracted to write up the agreement and officially file the divorce with court system in your area.

6. The typical mediated divorce is finalized in a few months.